Masonry Heaters and Tile Stoves
Masonry heaters are efficient and environmentally friendly heating systems that have long been used to warm homes in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Scandinavia by storing and radiating heat through interior channels. A centerpiece of any home, masonry heaters may be custom designed with brick, stone, ceramic tile, or soapstone. Due to their interior structures, masonry heaters radiate heat throughout a home over a period of 12 to 24 hours. Not only are masonry heaters aesthetically pleasing, they are also more environmentally friendly and cost-effective than other forms of home heating .
Unlike coal, gas, and oil heaters, masonry heaters utilize renewable biomass that can be locally obtained. Moreover, masonry heaters produce significantly less tar and creosote, if any, than fireplaces. A high burn temperature (up to 2000 deg. F) increases heating efficiency and enables owners to fire a heater with less wood than a conventional wood-burning heating. Additionally, due to their structural design, masonry heaters and kachelofens keep interior living spaces cleaner. Ovens are also available for design and installation.
Check out the kachelofen created by Andrew Grzadziel at a Masonry Heater Association meet up.
Why Choose Masonry Heaters and Kachelofens?
Masonry heaters operate at high efficiency and burn extremely clean. They produce little ash and leave chimneys clean. They can operate without electricity and produce little sound, as well.
High Efficiency
Unlike conventional wood burning structures, masonry heaters and kachelofens can tolerate temperatures over 2,000°F (1,093°C). According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s March 2012 Report to Congress on Black Carbon: “to achieve the cleanest and most efficient combustion, a heating appliance needs to reach and maintain a sufficiently high temperature for all the necessary reactions to occur... In general, greater combustion efficiency leads to reductions in the mass of direct particulate matter emissions, including black carbon, as well as reductions in emissions of the gas-phase pollutants such as carbon monoxide, methane, and the volatile polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.”
Why Soapstone is the Best Material for Tile Stoves
Soapstone, a soft rock, is not porous and has excellent heat-retention properties. It holds twice as much heat per pound as steel. Soapstone can withstand direct flames indefinitely and once heated stays warm for many hours. Soapstone also has unique and attractive veining patterns.
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Custom designed home heating, with style and function!
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Torrington, CT 06790
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Copyright © 2010 EPA Burn Wise Program, produced by Chris Wetzel